2013 Stocking of Deal Lake
In the last two months NJ Division of fish and wildlife stocked the following fish into Deal lake: 8,000 largemouth bass (2-4” fingerlings), 5,000 sunfish, 1,580 Northern pike (6”). In addition they added Brown bullheads, Black crappies, Golden shiners and Fathead minnows. The Deal Lake commission would like to thank the NJ Division of fish and game for responding in an outstanding way to the commission’s request for an additional stocking due to Sandy’s devastating effects on the lake. In the coming months channel cats and muskie are planned. We also would like to specifically thank Hackettstown fish hatchery employee Ron Jacobsen for his dedication to the job. Ron spread the stockings over 20 spots around the lake where he could have just had dumped in one spot and been done for the day. Thanks again Ron and the NJ Division of Fish and Wild life for a job well done! The photos attached is last month’s 1,580 Northern pike (6”) where I was lucky enough to spot the stocking track and lend a hand.