Next DLC meeting will be March 16. Interlaken Townhall, 100 Grasmere Ave at 7PM

The DLC was chartered in 1974 by the 7 shore line towns. Our mission is to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to preserve and restore Deal Lake and its tributaries as a healthy and stable ecosystem. In addition, control lake levels during heavy storms to the best of our ability with limited ocean tide controls.

    Flume Webcam Access (temporarily disabled)

    Upcoming Events

    DLC meetings are via Teleconference

    October 17th: DLC Meeting starts at 7:00PM. Hybrid on ZOOM or In-person.

    Deal Lake Fall Clean Up Nov. 9   9:00- 12:00 PM.

    Join us at the Asbury Park Boat Ramp. 801 7th Ave, Asbury Park
    The lake will be lowered gradually starting November 3 for the Clean Up.

    The public can participate in both the workshop and meeting through Zoom or by calling in from any landline or cell phone to hear the meeting live.

    Click Here For Instructions to join the meetings.

    Teleconference Meetings

    All DLC Meetings and Workshops are Recorded

    You can watch Deal Lake Commission meetings and Workshops on  APTVOptimum 77 and throughout most of Monmouth County on FiOS 28. People outside of the city can watch APTV on the APTV website,, or by downloading APTV app on Apple TV or Roku devices.

    View past DLC Meetings here.

    Before You Buy or Build:

    Contact the NJDEP

    Deal Lake, its tributaries and watershed are regulated by Federal and State agencies. Check before you dig.

    Strict compliance with the NJDEP regulations apply to any land 50 feet adjacent to the Deal Lake shoreline as well as any land 50 feet adjacent to any stream that drains into Deal Lake.

    Property owners should contact the NJDEP before beginning any maintenance or any construction along the lake's shoreline.

    There can be consequences, including fines and time delays for proceeding with work, prior to securing the appropriate NJDEP permit(s).

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection gives info on regulations, permits:

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection Contact Form:

    • NJDEP Land Use Phone Line: 609-292-2178

    Please click below to get more info before you build or buy on Deal Lake: 

    Guide for Lake Front Property Owners

    Questions and Answers

    Tuesday, Sept 4, 2018

    Q: Hello, we live on Windermere Ave toward the western end of the lake. Too often we see motor boats or jet skis zipping down the lake, way too fast, putting kayakers, canoers, and wildlife at risk and eroding our shoreline. Can more prominent “no wake zone” signs be placed in or around the lake and are there other steps we can take to enforce these requirements? Thank you.

    A: There are bad actors on the lake from time to time. The quick answer is to take a quick photo of the boat and then call the Police. They should, at a minimum track the boat down and if still on the water and give them a verbal warning. We have been told from Ocean police they coulc give tickets if they witness the speeding (no wake which is anything over 5MPH +/- a few… (it’s normally obvious that they are going too fast. The no wake( slow speed sections of the lake are west of the RR tracks (which you are). We had a few jet skiers pulled over last year for speeding…

    Boaters and jet skiers also require a safe boaters lic which the police again should be able to check for. Some police may go back and say that’s the job for the NJ state marine Police…but again…they can initiate that call and read the rules to the boater.

    No wake signs are clearly posted by the boat ramp and some bridges and we plan for more on the new bridges just built. The floating no wake signs are an eyesore and clearly do not matter to the boaters. Only a ticket or warning will stop them.

    Tuesday, Nov 22, 2016

    Q: I have been asked by others about the sources of water flows into Deal Lake, such as from springs and/or aquifers. I looked at the DLC web site for information about springs, aquifers, or any other sources of inflow into Deal Lake, but I can’t find any information.The information being requested includes the location of the inflow sources and their volumes.

    A: The DLC does not maintain any data on incoming water inflows from springs and/or aquifers.


    Tuesday, July 3, 2016

    Q: Is it permissible to pump water out of the Lake for irrigation (home lawn sprinkler) purposes? (Interlaken Lake Resident)

    A: Diversions up to 3.3 million gallons per month or approx 70,000 gallons per day is regulated by NJDEP under a Water Use Regulation; an as of right permit meaning easy to obtain. Anything over that needs a Water Allocation Permit which requires a ton of data. For a typical lawn, even one that’s 3-5 acres, they won’t even come close to using 70,000 GPD.


    Monday, January 4, 2016

    Q. Do you have any suggestions for Deal Lake Shore line protection?

    A. Trees can be a bit tricky depending on exposure and depth to groundwater, but Sycamore is water loving tree as is Red Maple, Pin Oak and Brookside and Speckled Alder…stay away from willows, especially along very steep banks

    Shrubs you can’ go wrong with red osier dogwood which does well in moist areas and has the benefit of in the winter, when they are leafless, of having a bright red stem.  Could also consider blueberry, inkberry, service berry and for shadier areas even mountain laurel

    As far as grasses close to the water stick with low maintenance (only need to be mowed once a year if it all) plants such as common three square, spike rush, etc., Flowering plants that work in wet to moderately we areas include blueflag iris, swamp hibiscus, bee balm, coneflower, Black eye Susan.   Again sunlight exposure may dictate which plant to use. 

    Pinelands Nursery in Columbus NJ (near Bordentown) is a great source of plant material

    Stephen J. Souza, Ph.D.




    Wednesday, July 15, 2015

    Q. I was driving down Corlies Avenue the other night and saw the fire company
    shooting water into the lake. Any idea what was happening here
    – Bob

    A. Robert,

    Most likely they were training. They need to train using lake water when
    pressure gets low in hydrant’s.

    Just another use for Deal Lake that can save lives and property. If it’s
    ok, we would like to post your question and answer.

    Thanks for asking.

    Don Brockel, Chairman



    Friday, April 17, 2015

    Q. Hello,

    I see that the Deal Lake Commission does great things to local lakes. I was wondering if DLC ever does lake clean up for Sunset Lake (Between Sunset and 5th). I just moved to 5th ave and love the park. But around the edge of the lake is so much filth. I’d love to know if you plan on doing that lake so I can help.

    Christie Z

    A. Christie,

    Sunset lake is on the DLC radar screen.  In fact it’s part of deal lake and empties into Deal Lake by the AP football field.  

    The DLC  just discussed last night treating the lake for weeds which will done later this year.  

    We also sent a crew over two weeks ago and did clean-up along the edge.  The big issue is some of the major trash you cannot reach and going in with boots is almost impossible.    It need agood dredging and funds are very tight for that……It also needs a new out flow valve.

    We would love to have local help and in fact we plan on sending a clean-up crew over there on May 2nd .  WE will meet at the Deal Lake boat ramp and send some folks over to Sunset for a clean-up as well as other sections of the lake.   Love to have your support.

    Don Brockel, Chairman


    Thurs, Apr 10, 2014 – 5:03 pm

    Responses to questions from J. Maurer, FoDL, posed to the Chairman recently:

    Q. The agreement on the DLC web site has a heading “Draft” and appears to contain typographical errors. Is this the document that has been sent to the constituent municipalities? If not, will the DLC provide the document that was actually sent to the municipalities?
    A. A revised document was sent to the constituent municipalities and will be the official document upon adoption by the respective governing bodies.

    Q. The differences between the existing/previous document and proposed document would like to be understood. Will the DLC provide the existing document?
    A. The differences between the existing and proposed agreement is in the Draft Agreement posted on the DLC website. Deletions are identified by strikethrough and additions shown via italicized and underlined language.

    Q. Was the proposed document presented for public comment? If so when and how did this notification occur?
    A. The draft document was discussed publicly at DLC meetings beginning in July 2013 through December 2013.

    Q. Have any municipalities signed and returned the document? If so, which municipalities?
    A. Borough of Deal



    Thurs, Feb 20, 2014 – 3:06 pm

    Q.  Hi Don & Steve,

    Several questions have come in from FoDL members.

    Would the DLC respond via email to the FoDL and perhaps others might find this of interest so you might also post on the DLC web site?

    The questions are being asked with the context, including, the extended period of solid ice on the lake and the above average use of salt/ice melt products which have been used by home owners, municipalities, and commercial properties that are in the Deal Lake Water Shed.

    1. What is the anticipated/expected impact on the marine life?
    2. What is the anticipated/expected impact on the vegetation/weeds in the open water areas of the lake?
    3. Any other insights regarding the impacts of the winter of 2014, to the water shed, both positive and negative, are appreciated.

    Thanks in advance and please advise if you have any questions.

    We’ll circulate your reply to our email distribution list.


    Jerry Maurer
    Friends of Deal Lake

    A.  There is a lot here to address, the most complicated being the 1st question.

    1. Salt impacts – To do this correctly I need info about the town’s and State’s salting programs…what do they use, how much is laid down per mile of road, which roads were treated and how many times.  I’d also need some data for all of the roadways and large parking areas maintained at each of the malls/shopping centers.  There has been a lot of research on road salting impacts and with the advent of the use of brine and more accurate metering techniques the overall usage has gone down.  Nonetheless the impacts tend to be most acute during the first flush of the spring thaw with the impacts greatest to the biota of the receiving streams.  The impacts attributable to residential salt usage is a whole other thing, but basically pales in comparison to road and commercial uses.
    2. Salt impacts on weed and algae growth – don’t expect any, we’re dealing with annual plants and fast developing algae.  Even if there was a “salt spike” in the early spring, the lake system will be fully flushed by the time the plants and algae start to develop….so I don’t expect any changes due to salting of the roads.  We may however see some retardation in the onset of plant growth and a reduction in plant densities or distribution due to ice cover and cold water temps.  These weather related impacts could affect the viability of seeds and over-wintering fragments, thereby leading to less weed growth.
    3. Other impacts – We have a lot of snow pack, as that melts away you’ll have greater opportunity for erosion, nutrient mobilization and transport. If that occurs during one or two large rain events, an increased chance of stream bed and bank erosion and scour.  Conversely if the soring thaw increases the lake’s flushing rate over a long, sustained period of time (as would be the case if the thaw was slow and protracted) then there could be an actual positive benefit to the lake.  Honestly though it is tough to project +/- impacts as there are so many factors that need to be analyzed. I’d need some data to formulate good projections.  Bottom line with the exception of many some reduced amount of weed growth I don’t really think that there will be any discernable differences in the overall condition of the lake or any impacts to the lake’s biota.

    However, if FoDL is really interested in evaluating how a severe versus and mild winter impacts or affects the lake, this would be a great opportunity to fund a simple spring/early summer monitoring program of the lake. Princeton Hydro could do this with assistance from Monmouth University and FoDL volunteers to keep the price reasonable.  If you are interested contact me.

    Stephen J. Souza, Ph.D.


    Mon, Feb 10, 2014 – 9:36 am

    Q.  I was asked by someone looking to buy a home on Deal Lake what the procedures/restrictions/guidelines are, if any, for adding a dock where one currently does not exist. Can anyone tell me where I might find this information. Thanks.


    A.  The DLC does not review dock installation applications or do we have the legal authority to issue dock construction permits.  Your engineer will need to contact your municipality’s Building Department to establish which local permits are required.  Because NJDEP regulates construction activities conducted in the water or within wetlands or riparian lands, your engineer should also contact NJDEP Division of Land Use Regulation to identify whether any NJDEP permits may be required.  The Division’s Technical Support Center can be reached via (609) 777-0454.

    Hope this provide the information that you need.

    Lorraine Carafa, Commission Clerk



    Wed, Oct 9, 2013 – 10:24 pm

    Q.  Hello, my name is Christopher and I’ve been fishing (catch & release with debarbed hooks) for two decades. I have not been able to fish for about 18 months due to personal commitments. Lately, I’ve been passing Deal Lake in my travels (near the ocean) and haven’t seen any fishermen for months. Is it a dead lake due to the ”Sandy?” I used to catch large-mouth bass, crappie, perch blue gills, etc. Please reply at your earliest convenience. Also, the news that NJ Wildlife stocked Deal Lake is great news!!!


    A.  Chris, The lake did take a hit from Sandy. Lost a lot of sunfish, but with the States help hopefully we can get those back. But, the bass and Carp fishing seems to be coming back very nicely. So pick-up a license next year and come back out and wet your line.

    If you have some time we will be cleaning the lake on sat Oct 26th . 9am at the boat ramp.

    Don Brockel, Chairman



    Tues, Sept 24, 2013 – 12:00 pm

    Q.  Would the DLC commissioners eat the fish out of Deal lake?

    —Marty M

    A.  Basically eat away, but eat in moderation based on link below. Keep in mind that the State’s advisories are largely due to Mercury; which makes its way into the lake via atmospheric deposition (the settling of fine particulate materials).  Mercury levels in fish tissue affect all of the lakes in the State, not only Deal Lake.  This is largely the result of coal fired power plants in the Ohio valley and the slow, steady fallout of fine particles swept east by wind and weather patterns.  The other contaminants that are monitored by DEP are pesticides and PCBs.

    Marty’s comments were triggered by a conclusion that he read from a report written in 2007 concerning the bacteria levels measured in the lake.  As you are all aware, at times the coliform levels measured either in Deal Lake or one of its tributaries exceed the State’s standard for swimming.  This doesn’t happen all the time and it doesn’t happen everywhere (see the data that was collected during the comprehensive testing of the lake and its tributaries as part of the WPP study (2008-2010).  Elevated coliform levels have nothing to do with the State’s fish advisory.

    Bottom line, as I stated at the DLC meeting, is that it is OK by to eat fish taken from the lake.  This is reiterated by the State, which also says that it’s OK to eat fish collected from Deal Lake, as long as it’s done in moderation.  Furthermore the State’s advisory for fish consumption for Deal Lake is no different (and actually in some cases better) than the advisory issued by the State for other lakes in NJ.  Finally, the contaminants of concern that are the subject of the State’s fish advisories are mercury, pesticides and PCBs and not fecal coliform.

    Stephen J. Souza, Ph.D.




    Fri, Aug 06, 2013 – 7:39 am

    Q. Several of our members have sent inquiries to the FoDL about the organic matter related items, including:

    1. There is a substantial amount of organic matter floating on the surface in the open water area –  west of Wickapecko and bordered by Lincoln Drive and the  Colonial Terrace Golf Course.  The questions include the type of matter, impacts to the environment, options to treat, and plans to treat.

    2. There are substantially fewer Lilly Pads in the Asbury Park/Ocean Township arm of the lake this year.  Are there any particular contributing causes?

    3. Will there be any chemical treatments of the lake this year?  If so the applicable details are appreciated.

    Any information provided will be shared with the FoDL mailing list and posted to the FoDL web site as appropriate.

    —Regards, Jerry

    A. 1. There is basically three types of material that people are likley observing.

    a.Water lilies and coontail (an aquatic plant).  Although the coontial is a non-native invasive plant, these plants are commonly encountered in most NJ lakes

    b.The orange iron bacteria floc (what looks like long orange strings or orange blobs).  Again this is natural and not a sign of pollution or any water quality problem.  This is a result of the low pH acidic nature of the clays and soils that occur in this area. It’s natural and a result of iron (which is very prevelent in groundwater and in the soils) going into solution and being utilized by the bacteria.  We see this in numerous lakes, ponds and streams throughout Monmouth and OPcean counties and become s more prevelent in the Pinelands.  Again this is natural and there is nothing to do about this or be concerned about.

    c.Mat algae that creates dark green to yellowish green mats at the surface.  This is a funtion of the lake’s highly productive nature.  This year the mat growth has been subdued.  This could be due to the cool wet spring or the salt spike that occured during the hurricane

    2. Again this may have been the result of the cool wet spring or due to salt spike that occured during the hurricane.  Not sure of the actual reason though.  Often time the density of aquatic plants in general increase and decrease due to subtle changes in conditions, but I don’t think that this is a problem or is indicative of a decline in the condition of the lake.

    3. We are scheduled to treat the upper seciton of Colonial Terrace and the Hollow Brook arm around mid-August.  The knot weed at the boat lauch was treated once in July and will be re-treated in August.

    Stephen J. Souza, Ph.D.




    Fri, Mar 08, 2013 – 11:07 am

    Q. As the pictures of the fish killed have circulated through the FoDL, questions, in particular regarding the Muskellunge, have included what is the role of the Muskellunge?  Several members have made the comment why stock Muskellunge as they “eat everything”.

    What are your comments/insights regarding the role of the Muskellunge and reasons for stocking in Deal Lake?

    Also, will Deal Lake be stocked this year?  If so would you provide some high level information such as approximate timing and types and quantities?

    —Thanks, Jerry


    A. We stock muskellunge & Northern pike in Deal Lake. It is a common misconception “that they eat everything”.

    Ambush predators, they lie in aquatic vegetation, awaiting prey to swim by. I’m sure they eat some bass, but mostly it is pan fish & gizzard shad.

    Gizzard shad have a bird like gizzard that allows them to eat both plant & animal material. As a result, they grow to a large size (24″) very rapidly, tying up a lot of biomass, & can overpopulate a lake . Muskellunge & Northern pike are the only freshwater predators that can handle such a large fish…………that’s why we stock them.

    Deal, and other coastal lakes, were inundated with saltwater. We will continue to check their salinity levels, and hopefully restock them with freshwater fish in the early summer. Right now I am unsure of the numbers of fish, as in addition to the above mentioned lakes, there are inland waters also on the stocking list.

    Mark Boriek, Principal Fisheries Biologist

    NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife


    Fri, March 01, 2013 – 1:43 PM

    Q. I work for the twp of ocean DPW. since the hurricane the trees in deal lake has become a concern to many in the community. What is the plan to deal with these?



    A. We have been over the topic and hope to have some great news son.  We have been asking FEMA and the state for help and even has enlisted our Congressman Pallone for assistance.  I’m confident we can start tree removal from public areas only (private folks must take care of trees on their property).  If trees are close to the town lines we’ll do our best to get them.  The other two pieces of restoration is sediment/sand and debris.

    Thanks for the question.

    Don Brockel, Chairman



    Mon, February 25, 2013 – 3:57 PM

    Q. I live on South Edgemere Dr. by the Interlaken bridge to Monmouth Road. Noticed black, gel-like matter floating on the surface of the water. It’s all over. Was wondering if any one knows what it is.

    —Thanks. Marianne


    A. I have been in contact with Don Brockel regarding this and he has forwarded me a number of pictures.  This is decayed organic material (leaf litter, algae, aquatic plants, etc.) that is surfacing from the bottom of the lake most likely due to the recent ice out of the upper reaches of the lake.  There is no reason for concern.  This is not a spill or anything related to the hurricane, just a natural process of the lake “purging itself”.  I have seen this happen in many other lakes around this time of year.  The most recent photos (taken about 10 minutes ago) show evidence of the rapid biological breakdown of this material.  We are following this closely and will keep the DLC and concerned residents appraised of conditions.

    Stephen J. Souza, Ph.D.


