Next DLC meeting will be March 16. Interlaken Townhall, 100 Grasmere Ave at 7PM

The DLC was chartered in 1974 by the 7 shore line towns. Our mission is to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to preserve and restore Deal Lake and its tributaries as a healthy and stable ecosystem. In addition, control lake levels during heavy storms to the best of our ability with limited ocean tide controls.

    Upcoming Events

    DLC meetings are via Teleconference

    DLC April Meeting - 4/24/25 @ 5:30 PM

    The public can participate in both the workshop and meeting through Zoom or by calling in from any landline or cell phone to hear the meeting live.

    Click Here For Instructions to join the meetings.

    Teleconference Meetings

    All DLC Meetings and Workshops are Recorded

    You can watch Deal Lake Commission meetings and Workshops on  APTVOptimum 77 and throughout most of Monmouth County on FiOS 28. People outside of the city can watch APTV on the APTV website,, or by downloading APTV app on Apple TV or Roku devices.

    View past DLC Meetings here.

    Before You Buy or Build:

    Contact the NJDEP

    Deal Lake, its tributaries and watershed are regulated by Federal and State agencies. Check before you dig.

    Strict compliance with the NJDEP regulations apply to any land 50 feet adjacent to the Deal Lake shoreline as well as any land 50 feet adjacent to any stream that drains into Deal Lake.

    Property owners should contact the NJDEP before beginning any maintenance or any construction along the lake's shoreline.

    There can be consequences, including fines and time delays for proceeding with work, prior to securing the appropriate NJDEP permit(s).

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection gives info on regulations, permits:

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection Contact Form:

    • NJDEP Land Use Phone Line: 609-292-2178

    Please click below to get more info before you build or buy on Deal Lake: 

    Guide for Lake Front Property Owners

    DLC Meeting – July 27th, 2023 – Minutes



    JULY 27, 2023


    Due to COVID-19 the Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission was held via teleconference using the Zoom Meeting Platform.  The Commission Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  After the Salute to the Flag, the Commission Clerk announced that the notice requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act C.231, P.L. 1975, were met by transmitting the notice to the Commission’s official newspaper on February 2, 2022, posting where required and filing a copy of the notice with the Commission Clerk.  The Deal Lake Commission meeting will be audio and video taped and will be shown on APTV, Optimum 77 and throughout Monmouth County on FIOS 28.



    Allenhurst (B. Fromer) *arrived at 7:15pm x  
    Asbury Park  (J. Toher) x  
    Deal   x
    Interlaken (C. Roarty) x  
    Loch Arbour (M. Fernicola) x  
    Neptune  (E. Houghtaling)   x
    Ocean (D. Brockel) x  



                Hunt Parry, Esq., Commission Attorney

    Dr. Stephen Souza, Environmental Consultant

    Jessie M. Joseph, Commission Clerk


    Resolution #23-040 – Resolution to Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting

                                         June 29, 2023


                UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Loch Arbour, carried that the following Resolution be and the same is hereby adopted:


    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission held on June 29, 2023 be and the same are hereby approved (Deal does not vote).



    Ayes: Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

    Nays:  None

                Absent:  Allenhurst, Deal







    JULY 27, 2023


    Resolution #23-041 – Resolution to Approve Treasurer’s Report and Pay Bills


    UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Interlaken, carried that the Treasurer’s Report for July 27, 2023 be approved and the bills listed authorized for payment.



    Manasquan Bank                                                                                $111,998.98

    NJ Cash Management Fund                                                                   43,778.12


    TOTAL ON DEPOSIT                                                                                   $155,777.10



    Interest – NJ Cash Management Fund, June 2023                       178.69

    Manasquan Bank, June 2023                                                        581.76

    TOTAL RECEIPTS                                                                                       $      760.45


    TOTAL AVAILABLE                                                                                   $156,537.55



    2023 Appropriations:

    Don Brockel – Storage Unit Rental, June 2023                 $      160.28

    JCP&L  (5/25/23-6/26/23)                                                            47.44

    Verizon (5/24/23-6/23/23)                                                            40.10

    The New Coaster, LLC – Legal Advertising (Inv. #60341)         20.89

    Messinas – Goose Damage Control 5/23                                   475.00

    Clean Waters Consulting, LLC (6/1/23 – 6/30/23)                    437.50

    Mastermix Audio Media, LLC (Zoom subscription, July 23)     17.05


    Sub-Total                                                                                 $   1,198.26


    319H, WM18-016:

    Leon S. Avakian, Inc. – Green Infrastructure Grant,

    DLC 17-02 – (Invoice 229550)                                       $     505.00

    Leon S. Avakian, Inc. – Water Quality Improvements

    Grant, DLC 22-02 (Invocie 22954)                                     1,317.50


    Sub-Total Grants                                                                    $  1,822.50


    TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS FOR APPROVAL 6/29/2023                              $  3,020.76


    TOTAL BALANCES                                                                                        $153,516.79






    JULY 27, 20233




    Manasquan Bank                                                                                $109,559.98

    NJ Cash Management Fund                                                                   43,956.81


    TOTAL ON DEPOSIT                                                                                   $153,516.79



    Ayes: Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

    Nays:  None

    Absent:  Allenhurst, Deal




    1. 2017 – 319(H) Grant – Don Brockel, Commission Chairman, reported that the Contractor will not complete the project until they are paid. We are still waiting for reimbursement from the State for several quarters. We are hoping to have this issue resolved in the next week or so.  We will also need to sit down with Ocean Township to see if they will do the bonding for us again for the new grant.  The tree box was ordered and received and should be installed sometime in September.


    1. Shoreline Protection/Education – Mr. Brockel said there are no updates from DEP. It may be time to get Senator Gopal involved.


    Dr. Stephen Souza, Deal Lake Commission Environmental Consultant, reported that 1302 Edgewood Avenue, did get a Notice of Violation, but the damage has already been done.


    Jeannie Toher, Asbury Park Commissioner, again brought up the insert to be given to each municipality for distribution by their building departments advising the public that any work being considered on the lakefront, the resident should be contacting NJDEP.   The City of Asbury Park will be putting it on their website as well as putting it on permit documents.


    1. Goose/Carp Remediation – Mr. Brockel said there is no update at this time. We should have the final report next month and we will be sending out the bills to each municipality.


    No carp update.


    1. Restoration of 4 lakes/ponds west of Wickapecko – No Update.




    JULY 27, 2023


    1. Water Testing: Monmouth University – Mr. Brockel said no updates at this time.  They did do some special testing at the home located at the point on Hendricks Point Road.  It came back with moderate amounts of salt water. It appears we are getting some saltwater intrusion in the lake.  He will be putting an advisory on the DLC website that if you use the water from Deal Lake to water your plants, there is a moderate amount of salt in the lake and it could affect plants and lawns.


    Ms. Toher announced that we have another citizen scientist and we now have eleven CLONet testing sites around the lake.


    1. New DEP Stormwater Management Grant – Mr. Brockel announced that we did get authorization to go ahead. Now that we have the authorization, we will have a more formal presentation of the project at the next meeting.


    Dr. Souza explained that this grant deals with the drainage from Seaview Square.  It is for stormwater mitigation work and focusing on that drainage area, which is one of our biggest problem areas.


    Ms. Toher asked how the Manufactured Treatment Device (MTD) works and how will it help with the sediment.


    Dr. Souza gave a brief explanation but it basically intercepts and removes sediment that is entering the lake.


    Mr. Brockel said this is just the beginning of the long-term management plan for the lake.


    There was a discussion on the long term plans for the lake.


    1. DEP Violation – Discussed previously. There are still 8 or 9 cases outstanding.


    1. 2023 Weed Treatment – Mr. Brockel said the weed treatment is completed. A phone call was received about lily pads dying.


    Dr. Souza did reach out to her and has not heard back.  He did observe the lake shortly after the initial treatment was done and he did not see a lot of lily pads to begin with.  He needs to speak with her to see exactly what she is talking about.  The product that was used does not effect water lilies.


    Ms. Toher is requesting a copy of the weed treatment report so it can be placed on the website.


    Dr. Souza than gave a brief explanation of why and what we do for the weed treatment.


    **7:15pm – Bruce Fromer, Borough of Allenhurst Commissioner arrived at the meeting.


    JULY 27, 2023




    1. Mr. Brockel spoke about the public meeting he attended in Asbury Park on the grant application for improvements to the boat ramp. They are aware of the shoreline issues and will be incorporating some of those issues in the improvements.  Overall it looks like a good project and we did send them a letter of support.


    1. Ms. Toher read from a prepared statement and introduced Ryan Burke, a recent Ocean Township High School graduate, who is here tonight to give a presentation on his Eagle Scout project.


    Ryan gave a presentation of his project which was Deal Lake Fishing Line Recycling Bins.  He used monofilament line recycling bins at frequently used fishing spots around the lake.  The full presentation will be on the DLC website.


    Dr. Souza suggested writing an article for North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) about his project.


    1. Mr. Brockel announced that the Fall Clean-Up will be held on October 21st.


    1. Mr. Brockel reported on the speeders on Deal Lake. He shared a video of the offender.  The video was sent to the Sheriff.


    1. Mr. Brockel also reported that the DLWA Boat Tour was a tremendous success.


    1. Resolution #23-042 – Authorizing Clean Ocean Action for additional testing at various locations on Deal Lake


                UPON MOTION Allenhurst, seconded by Loch Arbour, carried that the following Resolution be and the same is hereby adopted:


    WHEREAS, there is a need to do additional testing at various locations on Deal Lake for the identification of sewer outfalls coming into Deal Lake; and


    WHEREAS, Clean Ocean Action provides such testing at a cost of $70.00 per test.


    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Deal Lake Commission that it hereby authorizes Clean Ocean Action to do additional testing at various locations on Deal Lake for the identification of sewer outfalls coming into Deal Lake at a cost not to exceed $2,000.00.






    JULY 27, 2023



    Ayes:  Allenhurst, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

    Nays:  None

    Abstain:  Asbury Park

    Absent:  Deal


    1. The Commission Clerk brought to the attention of the DLC and their professionals about an Environmental Cleanup & Investigation being done at a gas station located at 801 Main Street. The company doing the cleanup is planning to discharge the treated groundwater into Deal Lake.


    There was a brief discussion on this subject and Dr. Souza will be reaching out to the company doing the cleanup.




    Jeannie Toher, City of Asbury Park –

    • The Commission is doing some really good things around the lake.
    • She will be putting Ryan’s project on the DLC website.


    Margot Fernicola, Village of Loch Arbour Commissioner –

    • Announced that Clean Ocean Action will also be holding their Beach Sweep on October 21st .
    • We are still working on getting the wall fixed where the car went through it.
    • Very disappointed in the amount of garbage this summer.


    Bruce Fromer, Borough of Allenhurst Commissioner –

    • Commented on the boats speeding, it needs to be addressed.
    • Feels the goose remediation was a tremendous success this year.


    Eric Houghtaling, Township of Neptune Commissioner –

    • Was recently in Indianapolis and noticed they had a tremendous goose problem also. It appears we are doing a good job on our lake as it relates to the geese.
    • Also commented on a job well done in killing the weeds and why it is necessary to do the treatment.


    Carolyn Roarty, Borough of Interlaken Commissioner –

    • Also wanted to mention the additional trash this summer.
    • Update on Interlaken access points to the lake – waiting for two floating docks.
    • Will post on the Interlaken website on how to apply for a spot on the rack
    • Congratulations to Ryan on a great project. We need two more in Interlaken.





    JULY 27, 2023




    UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Interlaken, moved that the meeting be opened to the public.


                Sylvia S., Township of Ocean resident, asked for a copy of the letter from three years ago that was sent to the AG regarding Nobility Crest.


    Hunt Parry, Deal Lake Commission Attorney, explained that no letter was sent to the AG, it was sent to Amboy Bank who are the owners of Nobility Crest.


    Sylvia S., had more questions, comments and concerns about the letter not being sent to the AG about Nobility Crest.


    There was more discussion on Nobility Crest and Mr. Brockel said he will do some research on the matter and get back to her.


                There being no further comments and UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Allenhurst, that the public hearing be closed.  There being no further business and UPON MOTION Allenhurst, seconded by Neptune, carried that the meeting be finally adjourned at 8:05 PM.



    Jessie M. Joseph, RMC

    Commission Clerk