Next DLC meeting will be March 16. Interlaken Townhall, 100 Grasmere Ave at 7PM

The DLC was chartered in 1974 by the 7 shore line towns. Our mission is to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to preserve and restore Deal Lake and its tributaries as a healthy and stable ecosystem. In addition, control lake levels during heavy storms to the best of our ability with limited ocean tide controls.

    Upcoming Events

    DLC meetings are via Teleconference

    DLC April Meeting - 4/24/25 @ 5:30 PM

    The public can participate in both the workshop and meeting through Zoom or by calling in from any landline or cell phone to hear the meeting live.

    Click Here For Instructions to join the meetings.

    Teleconference Meetings

    All DLC Meetings and Workshops are Recorded

    You can watch Deal Lake Commission meetings and Workshops on  APTVOptimum 77 and throughout most of Monmouth County on FiOS 28. People outside of the city can watch APTV on the APTV website,, or by downloading APTV app on Apple TV or Roku devices.

    View past DLC Meetings here.

    Before You Buy or Build:

    Contact the NJDEP

    Deal Lake, its tributaries and watershed are regulated by Federal and State agencies. Check before you dig.

    Strict compliance with the NJDEP regulations apply to any land 50 feet adjacent to the Deal Lake shoreline as well as any land 50 feet adjacent to any stream that drains into Deal Lake.

    Property owners should contact the NJDEP before beginning any maintenance or any construction along the lake's shoreline.

    There can be consequences, including fines and time delays for proceeding with work, prior to securing the appropriate NJDEP permit(s).

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection gives info on regulations, permits:

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection Contact Form:

    • NJDEP Land Use Phone Line: 609-292-2178

    Please click below to get more info before you build or buy on Deal Lake: 

    Guide for Lake Front Property Owners

    DLC Meeting – June 16, 2022 – Minutes



    June 16, 2022


    Due to COVID-19 the Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission was held via teleconference using the Zoom Meeting Platform.  The Commission Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  After the Salute to the Flag, the Commission Clerk announced that the notice requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act C.231, P.L. 1975, were met by transmitting the notice to the Commission’s official newspaper on February 2, 2022, posting where required and filing a copy of the notice with the Commission Clerk.  The Deal Lake Commission meeting will be audio and video taped and will be shown on APTV, Optimum 77 and throughout Monmouth County on FIOS 30.



    Allenhurst (B. Fromer) x
    Asbury Park  (J. Toher) x  
    Deal x
    Interlaken (Alt. – S. Merlin) x
    Loch Arbour (M. Fernicola) x
    Neptune  (E. Houghtaling) x
    Ocean (D. Brockel) x  



                Hunt Parry, Esq., Commission Attorney

    Stephen Souza, Environmental Consultant

    Peter R. Avakian, Commission Engineer

    Jessie M. Joseph, Commission Clerk


    Resolution #22-036 – Resolution to Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting

                                        May 19, 2022


                UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Asbury Park, carried that the following Resolution be and the same is hereby adopted:


    BE IT RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission held on May 19, 2022 be and the same are hereby approved (Deal does not vote).



    Ayes:  Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

    Nays:  None

    Absent:  Deal






    June 16, 2022


    Dr. Stephen Souza, Environmental Consultant for the DLC, gave a brief explanation of the grant.


    Resolution #22-037 – Authorizing the Deal Lake Commission Environmental Consultant

                                        and Engineer to Prepare and Submit the American Recovery Grant



                UPON MOTION of Ocean, seconded by Asbury Park, carried that the following Resolution be and the same is hereby adopted:


    WHEREAS, the Deal Lake Commission hereby authorizes Dr. Stephen Souza of Clean Waters Consulting, Environmental Consultant for the Deal Lake Commission and Peter R. Avakian, P.E. of Leon S. Avakian, Inc., Commission Engineer to prepare and submit the application for the American Recovery Grant at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00.



    Ayes:  Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

    Nays:  None

    Absent:  Deal


    Resolution #22-038 – Resolution to approve Treasurer’s Report and Pay Bills


    UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Asbury Park, carried that the Treasurer’s Report for June 2022 be approved and the bills listed authorized for payment:



    Manasquan Bank                                                                                                     $114,010.78

    NJ Cash Management Fund                                                                                        42,354.98


    TOTAL ON DEPOSIT                                                                                           $156,365.76



      Interest – Manasquan Bank (May)                                                                                     39.64

    Interest – Cash Management Fund   (May)                                                                        21.83

    Other – 2022 Assessment Ocean ($19,750); Interlaken ($10,000) – in transit            29,750.00


    TOTAL RECEIPTS                                                                                               $   29,811.47



      2022 Appropriations

    Lorraine Carafa, CFO (June)                                                                                           416.67

      Jessie Joseph, Admin (June)                                                                                            625.00

    Don Brockel, (June reimbursement storage fee)                                                             143.22

    Clean Waters Consulting, LLC                                                                                    2,100.00


    June 16, 2022


    Leon S. Avakian, Inc. (Invoice #18315)                                                                        660.00

    Mastermix Audio Media                                                                                                200.00

    Hunt Parry, Esq., 2nd Qtr. Legal Fees                                                                             750.00

    The New Coaster (Invoice #58717)                                                                                  22.13

    Verizon a/c #24xxxx875-2-0001(Invoice #9904834620)                                                80.49


    Sub-total Disbursements                                                                                                 4,997.51


     Grant Disbursements

     319H, WM18-016:

     Leon S. Avakian, Inc. (Invoice #18314)                                                                      3,037.50


     Sub-total Grant Disbursements                                                                                 3,037.50   


    TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS                                                                                      8,035.01    



      Manasquan Bank                                                                                                   $135,765.41

    NJ Cash Management Fund                                                                                      43,376.81


    TOTAL ON DEPOSIT                                                                                         $178,142.22



    Ayes:  Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

    Nays:  None

    Absent: Deal


    Jeannie Toher, Asbury Park Commissioner, requested the Bill List be posted on the website under a separate section along with the financials.


    The Commission Clerk pointed out that they are part of the Minutes since it has never been questioned or requested before.  From now on they will be sent to the webmaster to put on the website separately.




    1. 319(H) Grant Update – Peter Avakian, DLC Engineer, briefed the Commissioners on the meeting that took place with him, Don and the Chairman of the Wesley Lake Commission and some members from the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association. They met to address some of the issues and concerns that the OG Camp Meeting Association had, which will be addressed by Dr. Souza and him.  One of their main concerns was who will be responsible for the maintenance of the rain gardens once they are completed.   The bid specs are ready to go out to bid and we are looking to have construction begin in September/October.



    June 16, 2022


    Don Brockel, Commission Chairman showed pictures of all the debris that has been collected in the MTD’s.


    1. 319 Grant Phase I with NJIT – No Update.


    1. Nobility Crest – No Update.


    1. Shoreline Protection/Education – No Update.


    1. Goose/Carp Remediation – Mr. Brockel said that after the meeting he had with Ms. Toher, they would like to propose that the DLC take on goose management along the lake and bill the Towns for it. Once we have a formal quote from USDA will have a better idea of the costs per Town.  It would be percentage based, but this way the entire lake would be covered.   We would need permission from each town in order for this to work.


    Mr. Brockel asked Dr. Souza to apply for the permit for carp remediation.


    Dr. Souza will submit the permit immediately and it should be good for August/September in the area of Terrace Pond and Deal Golf Course.


    1. Ship & Sniff Program with Clean Ocean Action – No Update.


    1. Restoration of 4 lakes/ponds west of Wickapecko and Seaview Mall – No Update.


    1. Water Testing: Monmouth University – Ms. Toher said all of the areas are now covered for CLONET that need to be tested.


    1. 2022 Weed Treat Program – Mr. Brockel said that Princeton Hydro is having a problem getting the product.


    Dr. Souza said there has been a supply chain issue but they should be good to go next week.


    1. New 319 Grant Submission – Mr. Brockel said everything has been submitted and there is no answer yet.


    1. New DEP Grant – Mr. Brockel said this was discussed when we passed Resolution #22-037.


    1. Surf Rider Clean-Up July 7th – Mr. Brockel said the event will begin at the Asbury Park Boat Ramp.





    June 16, 2022


    1. 2022 Assessment Update – The Commission Clerk announced all assessments have been received except for Allenhurst and Asbury Park. She will send out reminders.


    1. USGS Study on Blue Green Algae – Mr. Brockel reported they are going to be doing s study on Deal Lake with regard to the transfer of blue green algae and its effect on coastal lakes. There should be more information at a later meeting.




    1. Tree Ordinance – Mr. Brockel wanted to thank Ms. Toher for her work on the proposed letter supporting tree ordinance and encouraging the public to support tree ordinances. He would like the Commissioners to take this letter to their town and encourage them to do a tree ordinance.


    Ms. Toher asked who is the audience for this letter?  Her intention of the letter was for it to be sent to the Mayor and Council of the Towns to encourage them to draft tree ordinances.


    Mr. Brockel feels it should be sent to lake residents and the Commissioners can bring it to their Mayor and Council.


    There was a discussion on the tree ordinance, the role of the Deal Lake Commission in protecting the lake and shoreline, what the letter should say and who it should be going to.


    Ms. Toher wanted to discuss her concerns and frustrations with getting the letter done and reaching out to our professionals, not just for this letter but for other tasks also.


    There was more discussion on the subject of reaching out to the professionals.


    1. Osprey Nests – Mr. Brockel reported that the Rotary Group spearheaded by the Ocean Township Alternate Commissioner, has offered and is working with a group to put up Osprey Nests in Asbury Park and by the Sewerage Authority.


    1. Fish Stocking – Mr. Brockel said that the lake was stocked this week with 2,300 Northern Pike.


    1. Docks – Bruce Fromer, Borough of Allenhurst Commissioner, reported on the discussion he had with a representative from Tidelands Management. The bottom line is docks are not well regulated.


    Dr. Souza gave a brief explanation of how the regulations for docks are supported by Freshwater Wetland and Flood Hazard Rules.


    There was more discussion on docks and the enforcement of building them on the lake.



    June 16, 2022




    Jeannie Toher, City of Asbury Park Commissioner, wanted to continue to discuss the protocols and acceptable use of the professional’s time.


    Steve Merlin, Borough of Interlaken Alternate, suggested putting together a standard operating procedure regarding the contacting of the professionals.


    Bruce Fromer, Borough of Allenhurst Commissioner, commented on the contacting of the DLC professionals, since they are paid, all questions should be funneled through Don who is the Chairman.  He also wanted to mention how beautiful the flowers look on the southeast corner of the lake – kudos to Asbury Park.


    Margot Fernicola, Village of Loch Arbour Commissioner, said Loch Arbour is working on a tree ordinance and they don’t need a letter sent to them.


    Eric Houghtaling, Township of Neptune Commissioner, wanted to warn everyone if they see a Tree of Heaven plant to take it down.  They host spotted lantern flies, which is a very invasive insect.




    UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Neptune, moved that the meeting be opened to the public.


    James Veach had the following comments:


    • As a recent addition to the Shade Tree Commission in Ocean Township, he is disappointed to hear that the DLC is not sending the Ordinance to the Mayor’s and Councils.
    • He feels access to the Consultants should be for everyone.
    • Would like to see more transparency
    • Glad Ms. Toher urged the posting of the Bill List under a separate section on the DLC website


                There being no further comments and UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Neptune, carried that the public hearing be closed.  There being no further business and UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Allenhurst, carried that the meeting be finally adjourned at 8:29 PM.



    Jessie M. Joseph, RMC

    Commission Clerk