Next DLC meeting will be March 16. Interlaken Townhall, 100 Grasmere Ave at 7PM

The DLC was chartered in 1974 by the 7 shore line towns. Our mission is to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to preserve and restore Deal Lake and its tributaries as a healthy and stable ecosystem. In addition, control lake levels during heavy storms to the best of our ability with limited ocean tide controls.

    Upcoming Events

    DLC meetings are via Teleconference

    March 20th: DLC Meeting starts at 7:00PM.

    The public can participate in both the workshop and meeting through Zoom or by calling in from any landline or cell phone to hear the meeting live.

    Click Here For Instructions to join the meetings.

    Teleconference Meetings

    All DLC Meetings and Workshops are Recorded

    You can watch Deal Lake Commission meetings and Workshops on  APTVOptimum 77 and throughout most of Monmouth County on FiOS 28. People outside of the city can watch APTV on the APTV website,, or by downloading APTV app on Apple TV or Roku devices.

    View past DLC Meetings here.

    Before You Buy or Build:

    Contact the NJDEP

    Deal Lake, its tributaries and watershed are regulated by Federal and State agencies. Check before you dig.

    Strict compliance with the NJDEP regulations apply to any land 50 feet adjacent to the Deal Lake shoreline as well as any land 50 feet adjacent to any stream that drains into Deal Lake.

    Property owners should contact the NJDEP before beginning any maintenance or any construction along the lake's shoreline.

    There can be consequences, including fines and time delays for proceeding with work, prior to securing the appropriate NJDEP permit(s).

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection gives info on regulations, permits:

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection Contact Form:

    • NJDEP Land Use Phone Line: 609-292-2178

    Please click below to get more info before you build or buy on Deal Lake: 

    Guide for Lake Front Property Owners

    DLC Meeting – October 21, 2021 – Minutes



    October 21, 2021

    Due to COVID-19 the Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission was held via teleconference using the Zoom Meeting Platform.  The Commission Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM.  After the Salute to the Flag, the Commission Clerk announced that the notice requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act C.231, P.L. 1975, were met by transmitting the notice to the Commission’s official newspaper on February 4, 2021, posting where required and filing a copy of the notice with the Commission Clerk.  The Deal Lake Commission meeting will be audio and video taped and will be shown on APTV, Optimum 77 and throughout Monmouth County on FIOS 30.



    Allenhurst   x
    Asbury Park  (J. Toher) x  
    Deal   x
    Interlaken (C. Roarty) x  
    Loch Arbour (M. Fernicola) x  
    Neptune  (E. Houghtaling) x  
    Ocean (D. Brockel) x  



                Hunt Parry, Esq., Commission Attorney

    Dr. Jack Szczepanski, Environmental Consultant 319H Grant

    Dr. Stephen Souza, Environmental Consultant

    Peter R. Avakian, P.E., Commission Engineer

    Jessie M. Joseph, Commission Clerk


    Resolution #21-061 – Resolution to Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting

                                        September 30, 2021


                UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Neptune, carried that the following Resolution be and the same is hereby adopted:


    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission held on September 30, 2021 be and the same are hereby approved (Deal and Neptune do not vote).



    Ayes:  Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Ocean

    Nays:  None

    Abstain:  Neptune

    Absent:  Allenhurst, Deal




    October 21, 2021


    Resolution #21-062 – Resolution to Approve Treasurers Report and Pay Bills


                UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Neptune, carried that the Treasurer’s Report for October be approved and the bills listed authorized for payment:



    Manasquan Bank                                                                                                     $ 43,885.51

    NJ Cash Management Fund                                                                                       42,322.93


    TOTAL ON DEPOSIT                                                                                           $ 86,208.44



      Interest – Manasquan Bank (September)                                                                          46.49

    Interest – Cash Management Fund (September)                                                                 1.48

    Other – Qtr. 10 Reimbursement, WM18-016 Grant                                                  12,615.77


    TOTAL RECEIPTS                                                                                                   12,663.74



      2021 Appropriations:

      Lorraine Carafa, CFO, October; reimbursement postage $7.95                                     424.62

      Jessie Joseph, Admin, October; reimbursement water lowering permit $2.00               627.00

    Don Brockel, October reimbursement                                                                           129.35

    JCP&L, a/c #100XXXXXX368                                                                                       46.96

    The New Coaster, Invoice #57754                                                                                   21.51

    Verizon (a/c#24xxxx875-2-0001; Invoice #9889075361                                                80.58


    Sub-total Disbursements                                                                                             1,330.02


      Grant Disbursements


     319H, WM18-016:

     Princeton Hydro, LLC, August #42975                                                                       2,816.91


     Total Grant Disbursements                                                                                       2,816.91


    TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS                                                                                     4,146.93








    October 21, 2021



      Manasquan Bank                                                                                                       52,400.84

    NJ Cash Management Fund                                                                                      42,324.41


    TOTAL ON DEPOSIT                                                                                         $  94,725.25



    Ayes:  Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Abour, Neptune, Ocean

    Nays:  None

    Absent:  Allenhurst, Deal




    1. Flume Electrification – Don Brockel, Commission Chairman, said the project is complete and we are waiting for reimbursement.


    Peter Avakian, Commission Engineer, reported on comments he has received from other towns and lake commissions regarding the control we now have over the potential for flooding.  It’s been a great project and a tremendous effort between the DLC, DEP and ACoE.


    Mr. Brockel went on to say we are still working on the video piece of the project.


    1. 319(H) Grant – Mr. Brockel said it’s been a very busy two weeks. The three MTD’s were installed along with six converter boxes.  What should have been a four-week project took two weeks.


    Mr. Avakian said one of the issues that was discussed with both the contractor and the City of Asbury Park was the repair of a drainage inlet at the corner of Sunset and Grand Avenues.  Due to the nature of the problem, our contractor is going to fix the problem and it will be included in our grant.


    Mr. Brockel shared photos and gave a brief explanation of the work that was done.  He also shared photos the Asbury Park High School sophomore engineering class that came out to observe the installation of the MTD’s firsthand.  All of the photos are on the DLC website.


    Resolution #21-063 – Resolution Authorizing Partial Payment for the Installation of the

                                        Manufactured Treatment Devises as part of the 319(H) Grant


    UPON MOTION of Ocean, seconded by Neptune, carried that the following Resolution be and the same is hereby adopted:


    WHEREAS, the Deal Lake Commission was awarded a 319(H) Water Quality Restoration Grant dated September 17, 2017; and


    October 21, 2021


                WHEREAS, part of the Grant Project was the installation of Stormwater Treatment Devices in the Deal Lake Watershed; and


    WHEREAS, Precise Construction, Inc., Freehold, New Jersey was awarded the contract for the installation of the Stormwater Treatment Devices in the Deal Lake Watershed in the amount of $297,219.00 by way of Resolution dated September 17, 2020; and


    WHEREAS, Precise Construction, Inc. has submitted an invoice for partial payment in the amount of $143,062.36; and


    WHEREAS, the Deal Lake Commission would like to pay $20,000.00 of the $143,062.62 invoice to Precise Construction, Inc, Freehold, New Jersey, which would be reimbursed from the 319(H) Grant.


    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Deal Lake Commission that it hereby authorizes the payment of $20,000.00 to Precise Construction, Inc., Freehold, New Jersey for the installation of the stormwater treatment devices in the Deal Lake Watershed, which would be reimbursed to the Deal Lake Commission upon reimbursement from the 319(H) Grant; and


    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the $20,000.00 payment to Precise Construction, Inc., Freehold, New Jersey, is subject to the approval of the Chief Financial Officer of the Deal Lake Commission.



    Ayes:  Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

    Nays:  None

    Absent:  Allenhurst, Deal


    Jeannie Toher, City of Asbury Park Commissioner, suggested a letter be sent from the DLC to the City of Asbury Park DPW and Police Department thanking them for all of their help and support during the project.


    Mr. Avakian also wanted to give kudos to Kevin Gould, Director of Engineering at Asbury Park High School, for his enthusiasm and getting the kids so involved in the project.


    Dr. Souza, DLD Environmental Consultant, said he was approached by NALMS to write an article for its winter edition on urban         lakes and community involvement.  He feels this a great story and opportunity to write about this project and the engineering class from the high school, along with the many groups and volunteers that came out to help with the FWI’s and rain garden.


    There was more discussion on the grant project and how the community has come together to work on different components of the project such as the floating wetland islands and rain garden.


    October 21, 2021


    Dr. Szcepanski, Environmental Consultant for the 319(H) Grant, also gave a brief update of the project.  The MTD’s are installed, the rain garden is in and the next step is to get the BMP’s squared away on Wesley Lake.


    1. New 319 Grant Phase I with NJIT – No Update.


    1. Nobility Crest – Mr. Brockel reported on a meeting that was held with a representative from Nobility Crest, Hunt Parry, Commission Attorney and himself, that was very productive. They are very open to a dialogue and want to be good neighbors. There will be more to report at a future meeting.


    1. Shoreline Protection/Education – Mr. Brockel said they are still working on the brochure and it should be completed shortly.


    Ms. Toher said once the brochure is completed, she will need volunteers to distribute them.


    1. Coca Cola Plant – Mr. Brockel said he sent Dr. Souza’s report to the Planning Board and has not heard anything back.


    Mr. Avakian explained how the process works.  The next Planning Board meeting is October 27th at 7:00 PM via Zoom.


    Dr. Souza said both of his reports are now part of the public record.  It appears they are going to put in an MTD in the road to address some of the run-off.  He is pretty satisfied with their updated stormwater management plan.


    1. Goose Remediation – Mr. Brockel said the briefing given by Nicole from NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife that was held prior to our regular meeting was very informative.


    1. Carp Remediation – Mr. Brockel said the net has arrived. We are looking to implement this sometime next year.


    Dr. Souza said before we deploy the nets we need to get a permit from DEP.


    1. Ship & Sniff Program with Clean Ocean Action – Mr. Brockel said there is no update but they are doing a show & tell in Barnegat Bay with the dogs.


    1. Restoration of 4 lakes/ponds west of Wickapecko – Mr. Brockel said there have been two meetings in the past few weeks about the restoration of the four lakes west of Wickapecko.






    October 21, 2021


    Mr. Avakian reported that he met with the County Engineer and a member of his staff at Hollow Brook, Firemen’s Pond, Terrace Pond and Harvey Brook to show them the condition of our main tributaries.  They let us know that they are not in the business of dredging but they are in the

    business of showing municipal shared services.  It appears three of the areas they are looking to assist in are located in the watershed.


    Mr. Brockel said they also met with representatives from the Deal Lake Watershed Alliance and officials from Ocean Township.  They are looking to help out with Snells’ Pond, Terrace Pond and Firemen’s Pond, as well as Seaview Mall.


    1. Water Testing: Monmouth University and Monmouth County – No Update.


    Ms. Toher announced that Dr. Jason Adolf, from Monmouth University will be making a presentation of his water testing findings at the February 2022 DLC meeting.  She also asked if anyone is interested in becoming a citizen scientist to test the water in Deal Lake, you can sign up on the DLC website in the contact section.


    1. Fall Clean-Up – Mr. Brockel reminded everyone that the Fall Clean-up is this Saturday, October 23rd at 9:00AM at the Asbury Park Boat Ramp. He explained where the locations for the clean-up around the lake will be and who will be in charge of those areas.  Loch Arbour and Asbury Park are having their beach clean-ups that day as well.




    1. Asbury Park High School – Mr. Brockel again wanted to say what a wonderful experience it was for both us and the engineering class from Asbury Park High School to visit the Comstock MTD and the Flume.  We hope to have them participate in future projects.


    1. Ms. Toher gave a brief update on the Oxonia Bridge. A survey has been done and the next step will be to develop a plan to improve the storm drains, inlet grates, gutter drainage and curbs in that area.   




    Village of Loch Arbour, Margot Fernicola – Reported on the following:

    • Beach Clean-Up this Saturday, October 23rd from 9:00-12:30PM meeting at Euclid Avenue beach entrance
    • Loch Arbour is working on a snow fence at the entrance to the public beach at Euclid Avenue
    • Loch Arbour is addressing the issue of residents washing their cars or using a service that washes cars, with environmentally unfriendly products.
    • Loch Arbour is researching the use of pesticides and the effects they have on the lake.



    October 21, 2021


    Borough of Interlaken, Carolyn Roarty – Reported on a project that she is partnering on with the Interlaken Shade Tree Commission to create an educational project using a QR code to help people identify the different birds and tree along the lakeshore.


    Township of Neptune, Eric Houghtaling – Gave kudos to the DLC and all that they have accomplished.  He is very proud to be a part of the Commission and wanted to congratulate everyone on a job well done.


    City of Asbury Park, Jeannie Toher – Excited about the brochure finally coming to fruition.


    Township of Ocean, Don Brockel – It’s been a great two weeks.




    UPON MOTION of Interlaken, seconded by Neptune, carried that the meeting be opened to the public for comments:


    Sylvia Cioffi, had comments and questions about the following:

    –  great presentation on the geese

    –  asked if the County is or is not in favor of dredging


    Mr. Avakian said the County is not fully capable of handling a dredging project but they can assist a municipality.


    –  Great idea to write a thank-you note to the DPW and the Police for their help during the project.


    There being no further comments and UPON MOTION of Ocean, seconded by Asbury Park, carried that the public hearing be closed.  There being no further business and UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Interlaken, carried that the meeting be finally adjourned at 8:02 PM.


    Jessie M. Joseph, RMC

    Commission Clerk