DLC Zoom Teleconference Information
Contained below is connection information for Deal Lake Commission meetings conducted via teleconference using the Zoom platform.
Join Zoom Meeting:
This will allow citizens to participate in the meeting remotely.
You can view and participate in the meeting in either of two ways; by video/audio or by audio only.
To join the meeting using video, your FULL name must be visible. If during the public session, you wish to be seen, turn your camera on.
PLEASE MUTE YOUR MICROPHONE when watching the meeting and not interacting or are speaking! Ambient noise(dog barking, television on in background, etc.) causes unnecessary video switching on Zoom!
If you are attending the In-Person session and are viewing the meeting with a device, you MUST MUTE YOUR MICROPHONE AND SPEAKER TO NOT CAUSE FEEDBACK ON ZOOM!
If you choose to join the meeting this way, you need a computer, smart phone or tablet with internet access.
The Zoom Meeting link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81567260958
Once you click on the link you will be placed in a waiting room where you will wait a brief time to be admitted to the meeting.
The Public session will be open for comments after regular business has been completed. If you would like to speak – please use the Raise Hand functionality in Zoom. When you are called on, state your full name and address before asking your question.
AUDIO ONLY by phone:
To listen and participate in the meeting by any phone ( Landline or cell. Internet access not needed)
Dial this phone number:
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
You will be prompted to enter the Meeting Number (access code) 857 1233 0403#
When you are asked for the participant ID: Press # again.
Once the public session is announced- If you would like to ask a question or comment Press * 9 to alert the moderator. You will be called on by the last four numbers of your phone number. Once called on, please state your full name and address and then your question. Again – Please mute your microphone when not speaking to avoid unnecessary switching on Zoom.
Posting of Agenda:
The DLC Meeting agenda will be posted on the DLC web site at least two days prior to the meeting. www.deallake.org