Next DLC meeting will be March 16. Interlaken Townhall, 100 Grasmere Ave at 7PM

The DLC was chartered in 1974 by the 7 shore line towns. Our mission is to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to preserve and restore Deal Lake and its tributaries as a healthy and stable ecosystem. In addition, control lake levels during heavy storms to the best of our ability with limited ocean tide controls.

    Upcoming Events

    DLC meetings are via Teleconference

    March 20th: DLC Meeting starts at 7:00PM.

    The public can participate in both the workshop and meeting through Zoom or by calling in from any landline or cell phone to hear the meeting live.

    Click Here For Instructions to join the meetings.

    Teleconference Meetings

    All DLC Meetings and Workshops are Recorded

    You can watch Deal Lake Commission meetings and Workshops on  APTVOptimum 77 and throughout most of Monmouth County on FiOS 28. People outside of the city can watch APTV on the APTV website,, or by downloading APTV app on Apple TV or Roku devices.

    View past DLC Meetings here.

    Before You Buy or Build:

    Contact the NJDEP

    Deal Lake, its tributaries and watershed are regulated by Federal and State agencies. Check before you dig.

    Strict compliance with the NJDEP regulations apply to any land 50 feet adjacent to the Deal Lake shoreline as well as any land 50 feet adjacent to any stream that drains into Deal Lake.

    Property owners should contact the NJDEP before beginning any maintenance or any construction along the lake's shoreline.

    There can be consequences, including fines and time delays for proceeding with work, prior to securing the appropriate NJDEP permit(s).

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection gives info on regulations, permits:

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection Contact Form:

    • NJDEP Land Use Phone Line: 609-292-2178

    Please click below to get more info before you build or buy on Deal Lake: 

    Guide for Lake Front Property Owners

    Meeting – August 16, 2018 – Minutes



    AUGUST 16, 2018


                The Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission was held in the Borough of Interlaken Municipal Building, 100 Grassmere Avenue, and called to order at 7:00 PM by the Commission Chairman Don Brockel.  After the salute to the Flag, the Commission Clerk announced that the notice requirements of Open Public Meetings Act (C.231,P.L. 1975) were met by transmitting the notice to the Commission’s official newspaper on March 8, 2018, posting where required and filing a copy of the notice with the Commission Clerk.






    Allenhurst (alt. T. Mauro)



    Asbury Park









    Loch Arbour











                Jack Szcepanski, Environmental Consultant

                Hunt Parry, Esq., Commission Attorney

                Peter R. Avakian, P.E., Commission Engineer

                Jessie M. Joseph, Commission Clerk


    The Commissioners held the first part of the Public Hearing before the Regular Meeting Agenda to accommodate the schedule of Senator Vin Gopal.




                UPON MOTION of Ocean, seconded by Interlaken, carried that the meeting be opened to the public for comments.


    Residents from the Colonial Terrace section of the lake had questions, comments and concerns regarding the harmful algae bloom and the County issuing an advisory warning people not to eat the fish caught in the lake or enter the water to go swimming, wading and watersports..


    Dr. Jason Adolf, Professor of Marine Science at Monmouth University said there are a number of contributing factors for the algae bloom and one of them is the excessive high temperatures we have had this summer.  


                Peter Avakain, Commission Engineer, said run-off from construction sites is also a major factor.  He went on to say the stormwater regulations did not go into effect until 2004, so there is some catching up to do.  


    August 16, 2018


                Don Brockel, Commission Chairman, said one of the frustrations is the water quality standards set by the state are far more stringent than the Federal EPA or even those in neighboring New York State.  He would like to see the standards be brought in line with New York State and the Federal EPA.


                Senator Vin Gopal, said he looks forward to working with the Deal Lake Commission and he will be reviewing the State guidelines versus the Federal guidelines.


                The Colonial Terrace residents still had questions, comments and concerns and what is the plan for the future.


                Mr. Brockel said dredging is really the only answer.  Chemical treatments don’t appear to be working and hydro-raking is very expensive.  We have to work from up stream first, that’s where it all starts.  Working with developers to make sure stormwater management measures are put in as nutrients are largely transported into lakes via stormwter runoff.


                There was more discussion with the Colonial Terrace residents.  They have formed a new association called the Deal Lake Watershed Alliance and they are having a Golf Outing & Dinner on Saturday, September 22, 2018.


    Resolution #1 – UPON MOTION of Allenhurst, seconded by Neptune, carried that the Deal Lake Commission would like to place an ad in the Deal Lake Watershed Alliance Golf Outing and Dinner Event Ad Journal in an amount not to exceed $200.00.



                Ayes:  Allenhurst, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

                Nays:  None

                Absent:  Asbury Park, Deal


                There being no further comments on this subject, and UPON MOTION of Ocean, seconded by Interlaken, carried that this portion of the public hearing be closed and re-opened at the end of official business.


    Resolution #2 – Resolution to Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes, July 19, 2018


                UPON MOTION of Ocean, seconded by Allenhurst, carried that the following Resolution be adopted:


                BE IT RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission held on July 19, 2018 be and the same are hereby approved (Asbury Park, Deal and Neptune do not vote).




    August 16, 2018



                Ayes:  Allenhurst, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Ocean

                Nays:  None

                Abstain:  Neptune

                Absent:  Asbury Park, Deal


    Resolution #3 – Resolution to Approve Treasurers Report and Authorize Payment of Bills                               


                UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Allenhurst, carried that the following Treasurer’s Report for August 16, 2018 be approved and the bills listed authorized for payment.



      Manasquan Bank…..…………………………………………….………..$136,791.30

      NJ Cash Management Fund………………………………………………….40,678.21


    TOTAL ON DEPOSIT……….…………………………………………….$177,469.51



       Interest – Manasquan Bank (July)…………………………………..………….113.86

       Interest – Cash Management Fund (July)……….……………………………….00.00

      Other ………………………………………………………………………………0.00


    TOTAL RECEIPTS……………………………………………………………113.86



       2018 Appropriations:

       Lorraine Carafa, August……………………………………………………….216.67

       Jessie Joseph, Admin, August…………………………………………………408.33

       Don Brockel, storage fee (August)…………………….……………………….94.17

       JCP & L……………………………………..………………………………….12.00


    TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS…….……………………………………………731.17


      Manasquan Bank……………………………………………………………136,173.99

      NJ Cash Management Fund………………………………………….….…40,678.21


    TOTAL ON DEPOSIT………………………………………………….$176,852.20



                Ayes:  Allenhurst, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

                Nays:  None

                Absent:  Asbury Park, Deal



    August 16, 2018




    1. Flume Electrification – Don Brockel, Commission Chairman, said there is nothing new to report. We are still waiting for an Agreement with the Township of Ocean.


    Resolution #4 – Authorizing the Commission Engineer to Design the Mechanical and Electrical      

                               specifications for the Electrification of the Sluice Gate


                WHEREAS, the Deal Lake Commission entered into a State Aid Agreement with the Department of Environmental Protection for the electrification of the sluice gate; and


                WHEREAS, there exists a need for the design of the mechanical and electrical specifications for the electrification of the sluice gate; and


    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Deal Lake Commission that it hereby authorizes the Commission Engineer to design the mechanical and electrical specifications for the electrification of the sluice gate in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the Department of Environmental Protection and the Deal Lake Chief Financial Officer.



                Ayes:  Allenhurst, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

                Nays:  None

                Absent:  Asbury Park, Deal


    1. Interlaken to Loch Arbour Bridge Update – Peter Avakian, Commission Engineer reported that the County has hired a contractor to complete the work including the landscaping.


    1. 319(h) Grant – Mr. Brockel gave a brief update on the Grant and said it was reviewed, signed and will be sent back.   


    1. Organic Material Removal from Fireman’s Pond – Mr. Avakian said there will be no results from the use of the pellets until November. 


    1. Water Testing – Dr. Jason Adolf, from Monmouth University and one his students gave a brief synopsis of their lake testing efforts. They hope to have a presentation of the results for the Commission at the next meeting or at the latest, the October meeting. 






    August 16, 2018


    1. Deal Lake Master Plan –


    Resolution #5 – Resolution to Accept the Deal Lake Master Plan


                UPON MOTION of Ocean, seconded by Allenhurst, carried that the Commission hereby approves the posting of the Deal Lake Master Plan on the Deal Lake Commission website.



                Ayes:  Allenhurst, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

                Nays:  None

                Absent:  Asbury Park, Deal


    1. Ship & Sniff Program with Clean Ocean Action – Mr. Brockel said they are going take samplings from some of the outfall pipes. This is a continuing effort and he hopes to have a report for the next meeting.   


    1. Weed Treatment – Mr. Brockel said the weed treatment in Terrace Pond was a failure.  There were a number of contributing factors and it doesn’t make sense to do another costly treatment this year.


    1. Eagle Scout Project – No Update.


    1. Terrace Pond Depth Study – Dr. Adolf reported that he has received a grant that could be used towards the cost of the depth study.




    1. Fall 2018 Deal Lake Clean-Up – October 27, 2018


    Resolution #6 –Authorizing the Commission Clerk advertise the Fall Clean-Up and Nutrient

                             Reduction Program


                UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Allenhurst, carried that the following Resolution be adopted:


                WHEREAS, the Deal Lake Commission sponsors an Annual Fall Clean-Up to remove accumulated debris and trash from the watershed; and


                NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the 2018 Fall Clean-Up be scheduled for October 27, 2018 from 9:00 AM to Noon and the Commission Clerk is hereby authorized to place and ad in The Coaster, The Asbury Park Sun and the Tri-City News in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00.



    August 16, 2018



                Ayes:  Allenhurst, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

                Nays:  None

                Absent:  Asbury Park, Deal


    1. Resolution #7 – Authorize the Deal Lake Commissioners to purchase supplies for the

                                    2018 Deal Lake Fall Clean-Up


                UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Allenhurst, carried that the Deal Lake Commissioners are hereby authorized to purchase supplies for the 2018 Deal Lake Clean-Up in an amount not to exceed $500.00.



                Ayes:  Allenhurst, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

                Nays:  None

                Absent:  Asbury Park, Deal   




                UPON MOTION of Ocean, seconded by Interlaken, carried that the meeting be opened to the public for comment.


                No one wished to be heard.


                There being no further comments, and UPON MOTION of Ocean, seconded by Interlaken, carried that the public hearing be closed.  There being no further business and UPON MOTION of Ocean, seconded by Allenhurst, carried that the meeting be finally adjourned at 8:15 PM.




                                                                                                                         Jessie M. Joseph, RMC

                                                                                                                                Commission Clerk