Next DLC meeting will be March 16. Interlaken Townhall, 100 Grasmere Ave at 7PM

The DLC was chartered in 1974 by the 7 shore line towns. Our mission is to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to preserve and restore Deal Lake and its tributaries as a healthy and stable ecosystem. In addition, control lake levels during heavy storms to the best of our ability with limited ocean tide controls.

    Upcoming Events

    DLC meetings are via Teleconference

    March 20th: DLC Meeting starts at 7:00PM.

    The public can participate in both the workshop and meeting through Zoom or by calling in from any landline or cell phone to hear the meeting live.

    Click Here For Instructions to join the meetings.

    Teleconference Meetings

    All DLC Meetings and Workshops are Recorded

    You can watch Deal Lake Commission meetings and Workshops on  APTVOptimum 77 and throughout most of Monmouth County on FiOS 28. People outside of the city can watch APTV on the APTV website,, or by downloading APTV app on Apple TV or Roku devices.

    View past DLC Meetings here.

    Before You Buy or Build:

    Contact the NJDEP

    Deal Lake, its tributaries and watershed are regulated by Federal and State agencies. Check before you dig.

    Strict compliance with the NJDEP regulations apply to any land 50 feet adjacent to the Deal Lake shoreline as well as any land 50 feet adjacent to any stream that drains into Deal Lake.

    Property owners should contact the NJDEP before beginning any maintenance or any construction along the lake's shoreline.

    There can be consequences, including fines and time delays for proceeding with work, prior to securing the appropriate NJDEP permit(s).

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection gives info on regulations, permits:

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection Contact Form:

    • NJDEP Land Use Phone Line: 609-292-2178

    Please click below to get more info before you build or buy on Deal Lake: 

    Guide for Lake Front Property Owners

    Meeting – October 15th, 2020 – Minutes



    October 15, 2020


    Due to COVID-19 the Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission was held via teleconference using the Zoom Meeting platform.  The Commission Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  After the salute to the Flag, the Commission Clerk announced that the notice requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act (C.231, P.L. 1975), were met by transmitting the notice to the Commission’s official newspaper on January 30, 2020 and revised on October 15, 2020, posting where required and filing a copy of the notice with the Commission Clerk. The Deal Lake Commission meeting will be audio and video taped and will be shown on APTV, Optimum 77 and throughout Monmouth County on FIOS 30.



    Allenhurst x  
    Asbury Park x  
    Deal *arrived at 7:10 pm x  
    Interlaken x  
    Loch Arbour x  
    Neptune x  
    Ocean x  



                Hunt Parry, Esq., Commission Attorney

    Peter Avakian, Commission Engineer

    Stephen Souza, Environmental Consultant

    Jack Szczepanski, Environmental Consultant

    Jessie M. Joseph, Commission Clerk


    Resolution #20-065 – Resolution to Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting,     

                                        September 17, 2020                       


                UPON MOTION of Ocean, seconded by Asbury Park, carried that the following Resolution be adopted:


    BE IT RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission held on September 17, 2020 be and the same are hereby approved (Neptune does not vote).



    Ayes:  Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Deal, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Ocean

    Nays:  None

    Abstain:  Neptune

    Absent:  None



    October 15, 2020


    Resolution #20-066 – Resolution to Approve Treasurer’s Report and Authorize Payment of



                UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Asbury Park, carried that the following Treasurer’s Report for October 15,2020 be approved and the bills listed authorized for payment.



      Manasquan Bank……………………………………………………………..$ 74,394.22

      NJ Cash Management Fund…………………………………………………..42,320.54

    TOTAL ON DEPOSIT………………………………………………….…$116,696.76



      Interest – Manasquan Bank (September)………………….………………………82.82

    Interest – Cash Management Fund (September)……………………………………2.87

    Other – State of NJ – 319H Reimbursement.…………………………………58,629.32


    TOTAL RECEIPTS…………………………………………………………..58,715.01



      2020 Appropriations:

      Lorraine Carafa, CFO (October); Reimbursement – postage.………………….. 418.67

    Jessie Joseph, Admin (October); Reimbursement – water lower permit…………..627.00

    Don Brockel (reimburse, storage fee October-$129.35;

    Clean-up supplies-$106.95)…………………………………………………………………………236.30

    Hunt Parry, Esq. (3rd. Otr. Legal Services)………………………………………750.00

    JCP&L (Account #100xxxxxxx368)………………………………………………22.74

    Leon S. Avakian, Inc. (Invoice #11856)………………………………………..  320.00

    Mastermix Audio, Media, LLC (Services, May-September, Web Hosting

    Renew, $179.88; Zoom Subscription, 5@ $15.98; Teleconference Management,

    10 hours @$50/hour)…………………………………………………………….959.78

    Princeton Hydro, LLC (Invoice #40341, consulting – August)……………………..525.60

    The New Coaster (Invoice #56061)………………………………………………33.60

    Verizon (a/c #242359875-2-001; Invoice #9863443345………………………… 74.99


    Sub-total Disbursements…………………………………………………….…3,968.68


      319H, WM18-016:

      Leon S. Avakian, Inc. (Invoice #11855)……………………………………….. 320.00

     Princeton Hydro, LLC (Invoice #40342)………………………………………1,573.26


    Sub-total 319H…………………………………………………………………1,893.26




    October 15, 2020


    Flume Electrification:

      Leon S. Avakian, Inc. (Invoice #11854)……………………………………….1,087.50


    Total Grant Disbursements.…………………………………………………..2,980.76


    TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS……………………………………………..…..6,949.44



      Manasquan Bank……………………………………………………….……126,156.92

      NJ Cash Management Fund…………………………………………………..42,305.41


    TOTAL ON DEPOSIT…………………………………………………….$168,462.33



    Ayes:  Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Deal, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean

    Nays:  None

    Absent:  None




    1. Flume Electrification – Peter Avakian, Commission Engineer, gave a brief update on the remaining items that need to be done to complete the project.


    1. 319(H) Grant – Jack Szczepanski, Environmental Consultant for the 319H Grant, said it his understanding that the Floating Wetland Island order has been placed. He will use the current prices to work up a plan for the FWI at Wesley Lake.   He gave a brief explanation of the green infrastructure possibilities at Wesley Lake and other locations for rain gardens and catch basin retro fits.  A lot of the projects will be based on costs and what the budget amount is left in the grant.


    Mr. Avakian reported that the contracts for the MTD’s have been signed and a pre-construction meeting will be set-up.  He will make sure the proper officials from Asbury Park are notified when the meeting will take place so they can be involved.  He will have an update of the project for the next meeting.  He said the installation of the MTD is really interesting and suggested the Asbury Park Commissioner reach out to the engineering club or science club from Asbury Park High School to have them observe the installation.


    There was a discussion on getting not only the high school students involved with the project but the students from Monmouth University as well.


    Jeannie Toher, the Asbury Park Commissioner again asked about the gauges.




    October 15, 2020


    Mr. Avakian said that Matt Mariano from his office and Don Brockel, Chairman of the Commission will be working on the locations.


    1. Ship & Sniff Program with Clean Ocean Action – No Update.


    1. Seaview Mall – No Update.


    1. 2020 Weed Treatment – Mr. Brockel did not get the final report from Solitude Lake Management. He hopes to have a report for the December meeting.


    1. Phase I New 319 with NJIT – Mr. Brockel said he had a request from NJIT to come and take some readings at the lake. He suggested they come and do that after the clean-up when the lake levels are back up.


    1. Nobility Crest – Hunt Parry, Commission Attorney, reported that the research is done, it’s basically footwork to try and get documentation from various agencies.  He went over the “Notice of Intent to Sue”, with Mr. Brockel.  He wants to make sure he has all of the facts before the letter is sent, so that it does not have to be done again.  He hopes to have it ready for the December meeting.


    1. Signs – Mr. Brockel displayed the No Wake signs that he had made and posted at various locations around the lake.


    1. Shoreline Protection/Education – Mr. Brockel said a letter was sent to DEP and he was surprised they answered right away. They are willing to meet with us to discuss shoreline protection, docks, basically things that affect the waterway that the DEP has control over.  This is just the first step.  After the DEP meeting, he would like to arrange for a Zoom meeting with the DEP and Planning Boards, Code Enforcement, etc. from the various municipalities to get them educated on lake issues.


    1. Rain Garden DLWA – Mr. Brockel reported that the work has begun on the rain garden.


    1. Fall Clean-Up – Mr. Brockel reminded everyone the clean-up is scheduled for October 31st. He will be lowering the lake starting October 18th.  It will be lowered for two-three weeks not just for the clean-up but for the flume electrification project.


    1. 2021 Weed Treatment RFP – Stephen Souza, DLC Environmental Consultant, will prepare a draft RFP for the 2021 Weed Treatment Program for the Commission to review at next month’s meeting. He will modify the table and include Hollow Brook.






    October 15, 2020




    1. 2021 Geese Control Signs – Mr. Brockel wanted to discuss the lights that are used to deter geese from using the lake. He received a quote from Away with Geese in the amount of $5,300.00 to set up the lights at various locations around the lake, especially the western section.

    He is in talks with the DLWA to help share in some of the costs.


    Mr. Brockel shared photos of the Geese signs he would like to place around the lake


    Resolution #20-067 – Authorizing the Purchase of Geese Signs and Posts


                UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Allenhurst, carried that the following Resolution be and the same is hereby adopted:


    WHEREAS, the Deal Lake Commission hereby authorizes the purchase of geese control signs and posts to be placed at various locations around Deal Lake in an amount not to exceed $1,000.00.



    Ayes:  Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Deal, Interlaken, Neptune, Ocean

    Nays:  Loch Arbour

    Absent:  None


    Ms. Toher would like to focus on more effective methods that prevent the geese from becoming a problem such as the egg addling.


    1. First Responders Park – Mr. Brockel asked the Commissioners to review Marty Martino’s idea of a First Responders Park. He would like to see the DLC support his efforts.


    1. November 19th Workshop Meeting – Mr. Brockel said there will be a Zoom Workshop Meeting to discuss 2021 Projects and Goals and it will be limited to one hour.


    1. No Wake Signs – Discussed under old business number 8.


    1. Allenhurst Bridge – Mr. Avakian said this is part of Monmouth County’s five-year bridge maintenance schedule. They are in the process of accumulating data.  Once the design and plans are done the DLC will be able to review them and make comments.


    1. The “County” Boom – Mr. Brockel received a call from the County. They are going to put our boom back and remove their boom.


    1. Lake Helpers & DLWA Help – Mr. Brockel would like to see a more groups formed like the DLWA to help with on-going shoreline clean-ups.                   


    October 15, 2020




    UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Ocean, carried that the meeting be opened to the public for comments:


    Dr. Jason Adolf and Erin Conlon from Monmouth University made a presentation about the Coastal Lake Observing Network (CLONET) Program at Monmouth University and Urban Coast Institute.  He explained that the program is a citizen scientist program whereby the citizens actually do the sampling and some of the work. The full presentation will be available on the DLC website.


    Ms. Toher and Mr. Brockel wanted to thank them for all of their work.


    Dr. Souza announced that he will be teaching a three-day lake management course at Rutgers University on-line next week.


    Bob Jaroszewski, Ocean Township, wanted to voice his concerns about the fishing on the lake this year.


    Mr. Brockel said he will try and get a report from the State for the next meeting.


    Melanie Nowlin, Loch Arbour, agrees with Ms. Toher about the egg addling and would like to get involved with that.


    There was more discussion on the geese and how to alleviate the problem.


    Ernest Mignoli, Asbury Park, would like to see the chemical test results for the lake posted to the DLC website showing that it is safe to eat the fish that are caught in the lake.


    Mr. Brockel thanked him for his comments and showed him where the information is on the DLC website.


    An Interlaken resident wanted to thank the DLC Professionals and DLC Commissioners for their conscientious attention to the lake.  As a 35 year member of the rowing community on Deal Lake, he really appreciates the posting of the slow speed signs.


    There being no further comments and UPON MOTION of Allenhurst, seconded by Interlaken, carried that the public hearing be closed.  There being no further business and

    UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Neptune, carried that the meeting be finally adjourned at 8:37 PM.


    Jessie M. Joseph, RMC

    Commission Clerk