Next DLC meeting will be March 16. Interlaken Townhall, 100 Grasmere Ave at 7PM

The DLC was chartered in 1974 by the 7 shore line towns. Our mission is to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to preserve and restore Deal Lake and its tributaries as a healthy and stable ecosystem. In addition, control lake levels during heavy storms to the best of our ability with limited ocean tide controls.

    Upcoming Events

    DLC meetings are via Teleconference

    March 20th: DLC Meeting starts at 7:00PM.

    The public can participate in both the workshop and meeting through Zoom or by calling in from any landline or cell phone to hear the meeting live.

    Click Here For Instructions to join the meetings.

    Teleconference Meetings

    All DLC Meetings and Workshops are Recorded

    You can watch Deal Lake Commission meetings and Workshops on  APTVOptimum 77 and throughout most of Monmouth County on FiOS 28. People outside of the city can watch APTV on the APTV website,, or by downloading APTV app on Apple TV or Roku devices.

    View past DLC Meetings here.

    Before You Buy or Build:

    Contact the NJDEP

    Deal Lake, its tributaries and watershed are regulated by Federal and State agencies. Check before you dig.

    Strict compliance with the NJDEP regulations apply to any land 50 feet adjacent to the Deal Lake shoreline as well as any land 50 feet adjacent to any stream that drains into Deal Lake.

    Property owners should contact the NJDEP before beginning any maintenance or any construction along the lake's shoreline.

    There can be consequences, including fines and time delays for proceeding with work, prior to securing the appropriate NJDEP permit(s).

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection gives info on regulations, permits:

    • The NJDEP Division of Land Use Protection Contact Form:

    • NJDEP Land Use Phone Line: 609-292-2178

    Please click below to get more info before you build or buy on Deal Lake: 

    Guide for Lake Front Property Owners

    Minutes – December 5th 2013

    DECEMBER 5, 2013

    The Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission was held in the Borough of Interlaken Municipal Building, 100 Grassmere Avenue, on December 5, 2013 and was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Don Brockel. After the Flag salute, the Commission Clerk announced that the notice requirements of C.231, P.L. 1975,  have been met by transmitting the notice of this Regular Meeting to the Commission’s official newspapers on February 5, 2013, posting the notice where required and filing a copy of the notice with the Commission Clerk.








    Asbury Park









    Loch Arbour










    Resolution #1 – Resolution to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting, October 17, 2013 (Deal and Neptune do not vote on this matter).

                 UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Loch Arbour, carried, that the following Resolution be and the same is hereby adopted:

                BE IT RESOLVED, That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission held October 17, 2013 be and the same are hereby approved as presented.


    Ayes: Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Ocean

    Nays: None

    Absent: Deal, Neptune 

    Resolution #2 – Approve Treasurer’s Report and Authorize Payment of Bills

                UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Loch Arbour, carried, that the following Resolution be and the same is hereby adopted:


     TD Bank, NA Checking……………………………………………………………………………….. 119,395.33

     NJ Cash Management Fund…………………………………………………………………………….. 39,848.91 

    TOTAL………………………………………………………………………………… 159,244.24


     Interest – TD Bank (November)…………………………………………………………………………….. 8.35

      Interest – Cash Management Fund (October-November)……………………………………………… 3.96

      Receipts – Grant RP10-088…………………………………………………………………………………… 0.00


    TOTAL RECEIPTS………………………………………………………………………… 12.31


       Lorraine Carafa (November-December)/postage……………………………………………….. 1,244.94

       Princeton Hydro, LLC (September, October)………………………………………………………. 605.00

       The New Coaster……………………………………………………………………………………………. 280.00

       Friends of Deal Lake (calendar sponsorship)……………………………………………………….. 175.00

       Steve Harvey Painting Contractor………………………………………………………………….. 2,500.00

       Bob the Builder, LLC………………………………………………………………………………………. 950.00

       Yes Graphics……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 44.00

       Conner Strong & Buckelew……………………………………………………………………………. 3,781.00

       Sam Hartung………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 187.50

       Hundley Parry & Bradley, LLC…………………………………………………………………………. 400.00


              Sub-total bills……………………………………………………………………………………… 10,167.44

    PROJECT DISBURSEMENTS, if any: ……………………………………………………….. 0.00



      TD Bank, NA Checking………………………………………………………………. 109,236.24

      NJ CASH MANAGEMENT…………………………………………………………… 39,852.87

    TOTAL…………………………………………………………………………………. 149,092.11


    Ayes: Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Ocean

    Nays: None

    Absent: Deal, Neptune


    1. 319h Grant – final report has been submitted to DEP; awaiting final payment
    2.  Monmouth County Shared Services/ Proposed Dredging Projects – status of permit application and plan to County for Firemen’s Pond;
    3. FEMA/State waterways clean-up (FEMA/DEP) – The Commission has submitted the detailed report with calculations of the volume of sand in the Lake pre- and post-Sandy for submission to the NRCS via the DEP which is acting as the lead agency; additional information will be submitted this week. Also, Ocean Township has removed some of the fallen tree removal along the shore in Ocean; we have requested that Allenhurst, Deal and Interlaken also inspect and remove fallen trees in their jurisdictions. The estimate of material to be removed from the Lake is approximately 375,000 CY of sediment, about 170,000 CY are a direct result of Superstorm Sandy.
    4. Gatehouse/Flume –additional repair work has been completed with the exception of the railing and information provided to the City Engineer for submission to FEMA.
    5. Charter – Charter will be revised based upon comments received and first draft will be provided to Commissioners at the Reorganization Meeting to be held on January 16, 2014. Plan would be to provide to member municipalities for ratification not later than March with request that they renew not later than June 2014.


    1. Resolution #3 – UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Loch Arbour, carried, that the Commission hereby accepts the quote of Brothers Ornamental Railings to repair and replace railings and anchors with necessary welding included at gatehouse at the cost of  $2,600.00.
      Ayes: Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Ocean
      Nays: None
      Absent: Deal, Neptune
    2. Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Competitive Grants Program: proposals due Jan. 31, 2014: Dr. Souza explained that this grant cannot be used for dredging the lake as that function is not an allowable activity under the terms and conditions of the grant. He detailed the approvable activities permitted under the grant, including the creation of living shorelines. And further explained that this program is an extremely competitive national program open to applicants in all States, and the application process is quite difficult. With no guarantees, our professionals will try to have the application submitted within the short timeframe allotted for submission.  
    3. Culvert install on North Wanamassa Drive – Dr. Souza inspected and found no issues.
    4. Tree removal plan by Ocean – the Ocean representative advised that Phase III of the project by Ocean Twp. will include the public property adjoining Deal Lake.
    5. By consensus, the Commissioners agreed that a letter shall be sent to Loch Arbour on various issues, including the repair of the retaining wall at the east end of the Lake and the removal of accumulated sand in the street at Ocean Place and Edgemont Drive.
    6. October Clean-up – was very successful, with a great response from Monmouth University students; it was suggested that next Fall’s clean-up include a fire pit to help keep the participants warm (near the boat ramp in Asbury Park, with the required permit if one can be obtained).
    7. Web site update – Sam Hartung, our webmaster, advised that the new option of monitoring unique hits on the Commission’s website is working well.
    8. After discussion and by consensus, the Commissioners agreed that the new boom be relocated upstream across from the Golf Course as the resident on the adjoining property has agreed to maintain the area and remove debris as necessary from the boom. 
    9. The Chairman wished everyone Happy Holidays.

                UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Ocean, carried, that the meeting be opened to the public for comments. There being no comments, and UPON MOTION of Allenhurst, seconded by Asbury Park, carried, that the public hearing be closed. There being no further business, and UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Loch Arbour, carried, that the meeting be finally adjourned at 8:15 PM.



    Commission Clerk