Minutes – July 18, 2013
JULY 18, 2013
The Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission was held in the Borough of Interlaken Municipal Building, 100 Grassmere Avenue, on July 18, 2013 and was called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chairman Susan Henderson. After the Flag salute, the Commission Clerk announced that the notice requirements of C.231, P.L. 1975, have been met by transmitting the notice of this Regular Meeting to the Commission’s official newspapers on February 5, 2013, posting the notice where required and filing a copy of the notice with the Commission Clerk.
Allenhurst |
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Asbury Park |
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Deal |
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Interlaken |
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Loch Arbour |
X |
Neptune |
X |
Ocean |
X |
Resolution #1 – Resolution to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting, June 20, 2013 (Deal and Neptune do not vote on this matter).
UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Allenhurst, carried, that the following Resolution be and the same is hereby adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission held June 20, 2013 be and the same are hereby approved as presented.
Ayes: Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune
Nays: None
Absent: Deal, Ocean
Resolution #2 – Approve Treasurer’s Report and Authorize Payment of Bills
UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Asbury Park, carried, that the following Resolution be and the same is hereby adopted:
TD Bank, NA Checking …………………………………………………………………………… 101,307.70
CASH MANAGEMENT …………………………………………………………………………… 39,843.18
TOTAL ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 141,150.88
Interest – TD Bank (June) …………………………………………………………………………. 13.57
Interest – Cash Management Fund (statement not received) ………………………………… 0.00
Receipts (2013 Assessments) – Interlaken, Ocean …………………………………………… 29,750.00
Receipts – Grant RP10-088 ……………………………………………………………………….. 0.00
TOTAL RECEIPTS ……………………………………………………………………………….. 29,763.57
Lorraine Carafa (July) ……………………………………………………………………………….616.67
Princeton Hydro, LLC (May) ……………………………………………………………………….412.50
Precise Construction, Inc. …………………………………………………………………………..9,760.00
Robert A. Hulsart & Company (audit fee) ………………………………………………………..1,800.00
J C P & L…………………………………………………………………………………………………2.24
Sub-total bills ………………………………………………………………………………………….12,591.41
Yes Graphics (watershed educational signs)…………………………………………………….2,370.00
Erik Brockel ……………………………………………………………………………………………121.58
Sub-total project disbursements …………………………………………………………………….2,491.58
TD Bank, NA Checking ……………………………………………………………………………… 115,988.28
NJ CASH MANAGEMENT …………………………………………………………………………. 39,843.18
TOTAL ………………………………………………………………………………………………. … 155,831.46
Ayes: Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune
Nays: None
Absent: Deal, Ocean
1. 319h Grant – grant is closed; final financial report has been completed;
a. Final narrative anticipated from Dr. Souza; if possible, a link to the report will be posted on website with short intro by Dr. Souza;
b. Status of information signage that was to be placed at boat ramp ;
c. Rain Garden at the Asbury Park Boat ramp – as requested by Dr. Souza, AP has trimmed the knotweed in the area in preparation for herbicide treatment by Dr. Souza.
2. Monmouth County Shared Services/ Proposed Dredging Projects – Mr. Avakian advised that the goal is to have the necessary permit applications filed by year-end to facilitate the project for 2014. He will confer with the County and State DEP for additional information as to the type of permit that is necessary.
3. FEMA/State waterways clean-up (DEP) – Status report – we are working with Asbury Park to file FEMA claims for damage to the gatehouse, gates and actuators and with the DEP on this. Commission Clerk spoke with DEP representative last week and provided additional information to him for inclusion in State report for least two new programs under consideration that may be initiated specifically for coastal lakes. A meeting is being planned with representatives of State, FEMA and coastal lakes to discuss; additional information will be provided as it becomes available.
The Allenhurst representative asked if there was any progress with the Dewberry contract. The Interlaken representative advised that it appears that the State removed the coastal lakes cleanup from the contract after all the preliminary work had been completed, probably due to the cost – an estimated $2M for Deal Lake alone. The Commission is working with a representative of the Governor’s office to get this project back on track.
4. Gatehouse/Flume – Mr. Avakian advised that he will be meeting with the contractor (Precise) and the structural engineer to determine the exact scope of the repairs necessary for the gatehouse within the next two weeks.
5. Weed treatment – The Clerk reported that monitoring in on-going; report any problem areas to Dr. Souza or her
6. Status of Eagle Scout watershed sign project – signs have been fabricated and Scout Brockel is waiting for confirmation that proposed sign locations have been marked out as required by State law before installation begins; Mr. Avakian reported that one of the problems is obtaining permission from the State for those signs to be located within the State highway rights-of-way. Further information will be provided as it becomes available.
7. 2013 Assessments – The Commission Clerk reported that Asbury Park and Loch Arbour are still outstanding.
1. Coastal Lakes Restoration Initiative –Tony MacDonald, Director, Urban Coast Institute at Monmouth University, is trying to gather support from all coastal lake communities to develop comprehensive plans for the improvement of the lakes. Mr. Avakian discussed the need for a unified voice to lobby the State for the funds necessary to address the many problems facing the coastal lake communities.
The Ocean alternate representative arrived at 7:10 PM.
2. North American Lake Management Society – the suggestion has been made that the Commission join this association. Annual membership fee for a non-profit is $250.00; Dr. Souza has recommended this association as a great resource for the Commission.
Resolution #3: UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Interlaken, carried that the Commission Clerk is hereby authorize to apply for membership in NALMS for one year at $250.00
Ayes: Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Neptune, Ocean
Nays: None
Absent: Deal
3. Charter – the current charter expires in December 2014; Commissioners will be supplied with a copy of the Charter for their review; comments and suggestions will be gathered over the next several months with the goal of having a revised or amended document ready to be disseminated to the member communities by December 2013 for their action in early 2014.
4. The Commission Clerk supplied a copy of an e-mail message from Stuart Koperweis critical of the Commission that was sent to various officials of the Township of Ocean. As they have in the past, the Commissioners urged those people critical of the Commission’s efforts to attend any one of the Commission’s monthly meetings to discuss their concerns.
5. Deal Golf Club/Ocean Township – Mr. Brockel advised that the township is considering holding a meeting to discuss flooding issues at the Golf Club; information will be supplied as it becomes available. Mr. Avakian explained that the issues facing the Golf Club would have been mitigated had the State DEP allowed the Commission to restore the Mayer Dam in the 1990’s, thus creating an impoundment area west of the Golf Club; permission was denied because it was considered to be an “on-line” repair. There was a further discussion of the matter. Mr. Avakian advised that he will discuss this matter with Mr. Brockel.
UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Asbury Park, carried, that the meeting be opened to the public for comments.
Mr. Hudson of Ocean Township stated that he was the Township’s representative to the Commission in the early 1970’s, and he asked if the Commission would be interested in receiving records related to the Commission from that period. The Commissioners thanked Mr. Hudson for his service and advised that the Commission would be interested in the documents. The documents were turned over to Mr. Avakian for review.
Mrs. Hudson thanked the Commissioners for their efforts, and noted that she and her husband would like to post Commission information on their blog; the Commission Clerk advised that there is a great deal of excellent information on the Commission’s website, and noted that a link between the two might be a good approach.
There being no further comments and UPON MOTION of Neptune, seconded by Interlaken, carried, that the public hearing be closed. There being no further business, and UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Loch Arbour, carried, that the meeting be finally adjourned at 7:40 PM.
Commission Clerk