MINUTES – MAY 21, 2015
MAY 21, 2015
The Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission was held in the Borough of Interlaken Municipal Building, 100 Grassmere Avenue and called to order at 7:00 PM by the Vice-Chairman Don Nissim. After the Salute to the Flag, the Commission Clerk announced that the notice requirements of C.231, P.L. 1975, were met by transmitting the notice to the Commission’s official newspapers on January 29, 2015, posting where required and filing a copy of the notice with the Commission Clerk.
Allenhurst | X | |
Asbury Park | X | |
Deal | X | |
Interlaken | X | |
Loch Arbour | X | |
Neptune | X | |
Ocean | X |
Resolution #1 –Resolution to approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting, April 16, 2015 (Allenhurst does not vote)
UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Interlaken, that the following Resolution be and the same is hereby adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Deal Lake Commission held on April 16, 2015 be and the same are hereby approved.
Yes: Asbury Park, Deal, Interlaken, Ocean
Nays: None
Absent, Allenhurst, Loch Arbour, Neptune
Resolution #2 – Approve the Treasurer’s Report and Authorize Payment of Bills:
UPON MOTION of Asbury Park, seconded by Allenhurst, carried that the following Treasurer’s Report for May 2015 be approved and the bills listed authorized for payment:
TD Bank, NA………………………………………………………………$148,215.19
NJ Cash Management Fund…………………………………………………..39,882.63
TOTAL ON DEPOSIT……………………………………………………………$188,097.82
Interest – TD Bank (April)…………………………………………………………9.64
Interest – Cash Management Fund (March)……………………………………….2.30
Other – 2015 Assessments (Deal) – in transit…………………………………1,750.00
TOTAL RECEIPTS…………………………………………………………………1,761.94
Lorraine Carafa (May)………………………………………………………….216.67
Jessie Joseph (May)…………………………………………………………….408.33
TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS…………………………………………………………625.00
TD Bank, NA……………………………………………………………..$149,349.83
NJ Cash Management Fund…………………………………………………39,884.93
TOTAL ON DEPOSIT………………………………………………………….$189,234.76
Ayes: Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Deal, Interlaken, Ocean
Nays: None
Absent: Loch Arbour, Neptune
- NRCS/DEP – Mr. Avakian said that the DEP is handling the project and there are still items
that need to be agreed upon between the DEP and Asbury Park before any dredging can take
place. It does appear if an agreement can be reached they would start dredging October 1st.
We are still waiting to see if our Grant has been extended. - Flood Hazard Risk Reduction and Resiliency Grant Program – Mr. Avakian gave a brief
overview of the Grant. He went on to say even though we have not heard anything back yet,
this is only round one and we will submit again when round two is announced. - 319(h) Grant Update – To be held until the next meeting.
- May 2nd Clean-Up (Jersey Cares) – Mr. Nissim reported there was a nice turn out and the
clean up was mainly centered on Sunset Pond. - Beach Replenishment – Mr. Avakian reported on the concerns Chairman Don Brockel has
with how the Beach Replenishment program is going. His major concern is the sand that is in
front of the flume which is not allowing safe passage for the herring. - Sunset Avenue Bridge Replacement – Sue Henderson, the Asbury Park Commissioner,
reported that she received an e-mail warning that they were going to start driving the piles.
There are major concerns regarding the area around the boom with oil spills. She went on to
say that since the work began the sewer never drains, the sheathing is gone and there is a pile
of stones next to the boom. Don Nissim suggested we hire a videographer to show what is
happening with the bridge. Mr. Avakian said that he will look into that for the next meeting.
- Deal Lake Commission Plan – The Commission Clerk presented the Commissioners with a
Draft Deal Lake Master Plan -2015, for their review and comments at the next meeting. - FoDL Forum Follow-Up – Mr. Nissim gave a brief explanation of what took place at the
meeting. It was decided to discuss the FoDL meeting at our next meeting since Don Brockel
and Eric Houghtling were at the meeting and are not here tonight. - Letters to Organizations – Hunt Parry, Commission Attorney, explained the letter that Mr.
Brockel would like to send to various organizations explaining the mission and
responsibilities of the Deal Lake Commission. The Commissioners are going to review the
letter and make any changes for the next meeting. - Meetings with Each Municipality – There was a discussion of the Commissioners putting
together a bullet point presentation to present to each governing body of the participating
municipalities again to explain our mission and responsibilities and how each municipality
can help us. The Commission Clerk will have a list of the Meeting Schedules for each
municipality at the next meeting. - 2015 Weed & Algae Treatment Program – To be held for the next meeting.
There were no members of the public present at the meeting, and UPON MOTION of Interlaken, seconded by Asbury Park, carried that the meeting be finally adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Jessie M. Joseph, RMC
Commission Clerk