Shore Line Plantings
Suggestions for Deal Lake Shore line protection:
Trees can be a bit tricky depending on exposure and depth to groundwater, but Sycamore is water loving tree as is Red Maple, Pin Oak and Brookside and Speckled Alder…stay away from willows, especially along very steep banks
Shrubs you can’ go wrong with red osier dogwood which does well in moist areas and has the benefit of in the winter, when they are leafless, of having a bright red stem. Could also consider blueberry, inkberry, service berry and for shadier areas even mountain laurel
As far as grasses close to the water stick with low maintenance (only need to be mowed once a year if it all) plants such as common three square, spike rush, etc., Flowering plants that work in wet to moderately we areas include blueflag iris, swamp hibiscus, bee balm, coneflower, Black eye Susan. Again sunlight exposure may dictate which plant to use.
Pinelands Nursery in Columbus NJ (near Bordentown) is a great source of plant material